Publisher: Marvel Comics
Created by Chris Yost, Nick Roche and David Baldeon
1st appearance: New Warriors (2014) #6
Alias: Unknown
Nationality: American
Team Affiliations: The Tribe
Legal Status: Unknown
Height: 5’9 Weight: 210 lbs
Eyes: Brown Hair: Bald
Relatives: Unknown
Powers: As an Inhuman he appears to have the ability to phase his body whether portions or the whole thing. Energy based attacks seem to still affect him though.
Most of his past is currently unknown but after the events of INFINITY where Black Bolt the Inhuman King set off a Terrigen Bomb which triggered Terrigenesis on a global scale he was one of those who found himself encased in a cocoon and later when he emerged he had Inhuman abilities.

He sees what happened as divine marking him and those like him as “The Chosen”. He was tasked with tracking down and securing the Inhuman Haechi who had found himself a member of the reformed New Warriors team. After tracking Haechi to the site of his powers emerging he tracked the boy to his home where he and his team created an explosion to test their “brother” [New Warriors (2014) #6].
Haechi absorbed the explosion which impressed Hollow but while he avoided his physical attacks he found himself hurt by Haechi’s energy emissions. He quickly had Night who had control over Darkforce energy teleport them away. At the new location they disarmed Sun Girl and revealed his origin to her. They tried to burn her alive but she managed to free Haechi [New Warriors (2014) #7].
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