It’s time to return to Earth 23 with Grant Morrison in the upcoming multiversity series coming to DC Comics later this year. Morrison has dropped many hints over the years in regards to the upcoming series but these details from Newsarama are the most interesting to us:
the Superman from #9 [Action Comics] from Earth-23″ is “the lead character in Multiversity.”
The Superman from Earth-23 has dark skin, hailing from an island on Krypton, which essentially makes him a black version of the character. In a nod to U.S. President Barack Obama, this Earth-23 Superman has a secret identity on Earth of Calvin Ellis, president of the United States. The character first appeared in Final Crisis #7, but he got his own post-New 52 reboot adventures in Action Comics.
A DC comic to pick up other than Earth 2 and Green Lantern Corps? Yes please!
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[Source: Newsarama]
Wow, I never heard ofn Barack Obama Superman. Sounds awesome, although I can’t imagine how he keeps his secret identity as president