NEW TEAM! NEW VILLAINS! NEW CREATORS! Valkyrie and Misty Knight are the Fearless Defenders and not since Power Man and Iron Fist has an unlikely duo kicked this much—well, you know. Writer Cullen Bunn (Venom, Sixth Gun, The Fearless) and new-to-Marvel artist Will Sliney (MacGyver, Star Wars) bring you the book everyone is going to be talking about on Thursday morning.
The Good
Cover- Absolutely gorgeous is the best way to describe this masterpiece. The illustration by Mark Brooks shows Misty Knight and Valkyrie in the center facing off with both Hand Ninja and the Norse undead. The duality in this cover shows a coming together of two very separate worlds in one brand new adventure.
Misty Knight-It’s nice having my girl Misty back in a monthly title, though she has seen better days.
Action- It may not have been illustrated well but there was a healthy helping of action in this issue.
Duality- I’m a huge fan of Misty knight as a character and even more so when she is played off another character like say Colleen Wing or even the Heroes for Hire crew. This team up with Valkyrie is so far outside of the conventional Misty Knight box that I’m curious to see how this execution will play out. One is steeped in science the other in mysticism……oooh the possibilities!
The Bad
Art- Something does not compute with the internal art. I understand that we want the women to be sexy without objectifying them but some of these “power ranger” like poses seemed out of character and just plain badly illustrated. The heads of the characters are decent but the action is stilted and these bodies are not sexy! Someone call Khari Evan quick to add some sexy and choreography before I fall asleep.
The Kiss- Why was this even necessary? I’m reminded of Static Shock #1 where his arm was severed and reattached simply because the writer though the “shock value” was cool. If this was straight boy titillation I must say it missed the mark, by a long shot!
Cover- Again with the plain white cover and a logo and expecting premium prices? Who keeps buying that $hit?!
The Ugly
After all the excitement I was honestly underwhelmed by both the internal visuals of this comic the story. Average at best mediocre at worst 2.5/5