In the wake of AVENGERS DISASSEMBLED, a mysterious new group of teen super heroes appears. But who are they? Where did they come from? And what right do they have to call themselves THE YOUNG AVENGERS? Young Gun Jim Cheung and TV superstar writer Allan Heinberg (The O.C., Sex in The City, and Party of Five). This series promises to shock and surprise, so don’t miss it!!
Our tale opens with J.J. Jameson tasking Jessica Jones girlfriend of Luke Cage and Kat to find out the secret identities of the Young Avengers. Jessica because of her past as a superhero is given the lead. Outside the office Iron Man and Captain America whisk her away for a private talk. They decide they must find and shut down the young Avengers before they hurt themselves or anyone else.
That Night the teams saves a bridal party from five gun men and get bombarded by the press before making their escape. Outside the destroyed Avengers mansion they disassemble after revealing that they were brought together by Iron Lad to face Kang the conqueror, leaving Iron Lad alone. Inside the mansion he is confronted by Cap, Tony and Jessica to who he reveals that he’s really a young Kang from the future.
The Good
Cover- We have what appears to be a young Hulk, Iron Man, Captain America and Thor in dynamic eye catching color; pretty decent cover all around.
Art- Jim Cheung has been a favorite of mine ever since he was the ongoing artist on the original run of X-force. His style is very well suited to the teens he illustrates and also shines in action heavy scenes. We really could not have asked for a better artist!
Team- What we have here is a fresh take on the old Avengers founders of old. The twists are really what makes them worthwhile additions. Really have a thing for the original four.
Black Hero- Patriot is probably the only reference to the superb “Truth: Red, Black and Blue” that marvel ever uses in modern times. That alone makes him special in my eyes, add to that he’s the only black member this team has ever had up until 2012 makes me just want to stand an salute him and his Bucky referencing costume.
Chemistry- Here begins the chemistry and tension of Hawkeye and Patriot. Talk about sparks flying as they bicker like an old married couple even before she joins the team.
The Bad
Verbose- For a modern comic this issue is chock full of 90’s style exposition. So much so in fact I wouldn’t be shocked if it puts off more than a few readers.
The Ugly
Entertaining from start to finish, great art and so connected to Avengers mythology of old and new you can’t help but say: Instant Classic! 4/5