In case you guys missed it the X-men anime will soon be here (Scream) And the best part about all this? The anime is heavily influenced by my absolute favorite X-men tales of the past ten years Grant Morisson’s New X-men and Joss Whedon’s Astonishing x-men 🙂
The script will be penned by Warren Ellis who currently writes Astonishing x-men. Since we know the time span the series will occupy in continuity the cast will include
- Cyclops
- Wolverine
- Professor X
- Storm
- Emma Frost
- Yui Sasaki
- Jean Grey
- Hisako Ichiki
- Beast
As you guys can no doubt guess I’m very excited about this release especially with Storm looking sexy as all hell!! 🙂 You can get excited too with this trailer!
Has there ever been a version of Storm that wasn’t hot? This one appears to be a “Halle Berry Storm” influenced one.