Deadman, Hawk and Dove visit Aquaman to set him on his path before going off to everyone who had a vision, so they can carry out the will of the “entity of white light”. Mera reveals she knows who the boy in Aquaman’s vision is.
In Mexico the new Aqualad exposes himself to rainfall and manifest his powers. His dad freaks out and decides it’s time to tell him the truth.
Martian manhunter, another green Martian and green arrow have a skirmish in the forest before MM flies home to mars.
Black Manta arrives in Mexico and fights with Siren’s atlantean troops. They spar before she tells him it’s time they found his son.
The Good
Great interior Art!
The mystery of the new Aqualad continues to mount as Siren and Black Manta join forces to find him. This is the issue we learn Black Manta is his father as well. Aqualad reveals his powers here as well. Hydrokinesis and he manifests webbed hands and gills when exposed to water.
Action heavy issue is sure to excite “action” junkies out there 🙂
The Bad
Cover art was not as great as past issues.
The Ugly
2.5/5 for an average read