Gold Dino Fury Ranger (Character)

Aiyon is an alien from the planet Rafkon who was the part of the Ancient Dino Fury Rangers 65 million years ago as the Dino Fury Gold Ranger.
Dedicated to Black superhero News, Reviews, Previews, Sales figures, Interviews, Galleries and the people who bring them to us.
Aiyon is an alien from the planet Rafkon who was the part of the Ancient Dino Fury Rangers 65 million years ago as the Dino Fury Gold Ranger.
Power Rangers has been a huge part of my life since the ’90s and this website since we began in 2010. While others were wondering if the rangers should be included in any superhero listing, as always, I marched to my own
Tanya Sloan Was, Zeo Ranger II – Yellow but after the event shattered grid she became the Yellow Solar Ranger!
Meet Britt the first female red ranger of African descent…say what!?
Zack Taylor was the Black Ranger of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, as well as the the Black Omega Ranger…
Devon Daniels is Beast Morphers Red and the team leader of the Beast Morphers Power Rangers. Retroactively he can be referred to as Red Beast Morphers Ranger or Beast Morphers Red Ranger – as a variation of his label in the show.
Publisher: Boom Studious Created by: Writer Kyle Higgins and artist Daniele Di Nicuolo First Appearance: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #20, 2017 Alias: Tiger Ranger,Yellow Ranger Notes: He is the first male ranger of African descent to be the Yellow Ranger. Height: 6
Name: Shelby Watkins First Appearance: February 7, 2015 Actor: Camille Hyde Notes: She is the first ranger of African descent to be the Pink Ranger. Brief Biography Shelby is the daughter of a corporate family, the owners and proprietors of Watkins Ice Cream.
Name: Billy Cranston First Appearance: Power Rangers, 2017 Actor: RJ Cyler Bibliography Billy, the Blue Ranger (RJ CYLER) has always been challenged in his abilities to communicate and interact socially. Whip-smart and sweet, he is the most pure-hearted of the group.
While we have been busy celebrating Milestone Comics’ 20th anniversary we have completely been blindsided by the anniversary of the Power Rangers. Saban’s hit franchise began on August 28, 1993. While it has not been a mainstream hit since the early 2000′s
Name: Kevin First Appearance: February 7, 2011 Actor: Najee De-Tiege Notes: The Fifth African American Blue ranger (1st being Cestro, second TJ, Third Max Cooper and fourth Ethan) [youtube=] Short Biography Devoted and honest Kevin is the second in command of the
Name: Scott Trueman First Appearance: March 2009 Actor: Eka Darville Notes: The Third African-American red ranger. [youtube=] Short Biography The second son of a military leader, colonel Mason Trueman. Never the favored child he witnessed his brother die in battle but survives.
Name: Jack Landors First Appearance: February 5, 2005 Actor: Brandon Jay McLaren. Notes: He is the second Red African-American ranger since TJ. [youtube=] Short Biography Jack was an orphan living on the streets with aspirations of becoming more. To save his friends
Name: Unknown First Appearance:February 2, 2006 Actor:D.J. Sena Notes: He is the third known African-American Green Ranger after Damon Henderson from Power Rangers: Lost Galaxy and Joel Rawlings from Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue. His helmet was the black space helmet, painted it
Name: Will First Appearance: February 26, 2007 Actor: Samuell Benta Notes: He is the second African-American Black ranger since Zach way back in 1995. [youtube=] Short Biography Will is the suave and cocky super spy and infiltrator of his group. Quite the
Name: Ethan First Appearance: February 14, 2004 Actor: Kevin Duhaney [youtube=] Short Biography Ethan is the geek of his team. Just as Billy was for the originals. He’s the brains, often playing video games and working the computers. he’s also the second
Name: Ethan First Appearance: February 9, 2002 Actor: Phillip Jeanmarie Notes: He’s the second African American Blue ranger and the first Ranger with an Afro. [youtube=] Short Biography An immature bowler who was granted the powers of the Blue shark. He is
Name: Katie First Appearance:February 3, 2001 Actor: Deborah Estelle Phillips Notes: She is the third African American Yellow Ranger. (First being Aisha and second Tanya) [youtube=] Biography The warms and Open Katie traveled to the past with her friends to save the
Name: Joel Rawlings First Appearance:February 12, 2000 Actor: Keith Robinson Notes: He is the second African American Green Ranger. [youtube=] Biography Joel was a stuntman who was chosen to be the green lightspeed ranger. While he was reluctant at first to accept
Name: Damon Henderson First Appearance: February 6,1999 Actor: Reggie Rolle Notes: He was also the very first African American “Green Ranger”. [youtube=] Biography Damon Henderson was a senior mechanic on Terra Venture and the Astro Megaship before Kai Chen took the ship