In the age old tradition of hero vs hero, 2021 will feature a face off between the original Scarlet Spider/Ben Reilly and our very own Miles Morales in his brand new suit.
Amazing Spider-Man #81 by Saladin Ahmed and Carlos Gómez pits Ben Reilly against Miles Morales in a battle of Spider-Men. The issue features the Beyond Corporation taking offense to an unlicensed web-slinger operating around Brooklyn after filing for the Spider-Man trademark.
The Spider-men series back in the day became the first meeting between 616 Peter Parker/Spider-man and 1660 Miles Morales/Spider-man before the pair were folded into the new Marvel prime reality after Hickman’s brilliant Secret Wars. I’m excited at the return of Ben Reilly, a late 90’s creation was came to prominence during a convoluted time in Spider-man’s history. I also collected around this time so nostalgia is high!
How will the interaction between Miles and Ben differ from his interaction with Peter I wonder? Also, Miles new costume looks sick AF on that cover.
Color me excited!
More as it breaks!
[Source: CBR]