After X-CORP’s shocking debut, they’ve got fences to mend, hands to shake and most importantly – a board to staff. With Dr. Jamie Madrox’s top-class dupes staffing the HELLFIRE GALA, CXOs Monet and Angel must stalk the dance floor and hope they don’t get preyed on themselves.

Monet and Angel are getting ready for the Hellfire Gala. While some mutants are there for fun the CXO’s of X-corp have meetings setup throughout the night. They meet Neal Shaara, Sunspot, Selene, Mastermind and Fenris. After denying the Fenris an audience the villains try to attack them on two fronts. Both are soundly dealt with but as a result of their involvement X-corp. loses a potential human ally.
Written by Tini Howard
Art by Alberto Foche
Colors by Sunny Gho
Cover by David Aja
Release Date: June 16, 2021
What I Thought
Image is everything- In the age of the internet this is truer than ever before. Warren and Monet are set up as mirror images. Both wealthy mutants with a transmorph side which unlocks dark impulses that neither can quite control. Monet wears hers on her sleeve not caring much for perception. She however lacks the business experience of Angel so she doesn’t quite get it. She has always been similar to Emma Frost in terms of personality but lacked the control and cunning. I wonder how much of this lack of control stems from the resurrection of Synch, then death then resurrection and the death, rebirth and imprisonment of her former lover Victor Creed. Her emotions and trauma are now part of her characterization. I’m praying this is the plan of Tini Howard.
Aberto Foche is on art and it’s alright nut nothing stands out except that opening scene where Monet is putting on her makeup. Foche is suited to these quiet moments not the more action heavy sequences.
Cover- for the collectors out there are quite a few variants my favorite being the ones with Monet obviously.
Upstarts- Are the upstarts the most hated mutant villains ever? Fabian Cortez is embarrassed and kicked off SWORD. Shinobi Shaw was altered by Emma Frost so he can function on the Marauders and the Fenris twins here get treated like neo Nazi’s. Xavier had a good plan in making the mutant villains their allies but their handling of said villains is proving to be a task. All mutants are not loyal to the cause. Cortez and his ilk have always seen themselves above the rest of the world. Mutants included. Perhaps of all the upstarts Cortez is the one most concerned about the race itself. The Fenris twins are monsters and now they are set to become business rivals to X-corp. Talk about enemies without and within.
Dangerous bedfellows- Who would hire Selene, for anything? She resurrected Genosha’s mutants only to absorb their souls to become a god. Member of the sisterhood of mutants ect. Just no! Mastermind is a good choice but Wyngard is self serving, so they better watch their backs!
Overall I give this issue 3/5 stars, It’s much better than the first issue and has a much more focused feel. Monet is better written and the introduction of Mastermind who had allied with Sinister in the Marauders series is an interesting twist.