Created by: Aza Comics/Aza Entertainment/Jazmin Truesdale
1st appearance: The Keeper’s: Origins
Nationality: American/Afro-Latina
Aliases: Genie, Genie Dos Santos, Eugenia Atabey Anacaona Dos Santos De La Reguera
Team Affiliations: The Keepers (Askari); Genie & Jase
Legal Status: American citizen with no criminal record
Height: 5’ 6” Weight: 150
Eyes:Brown Hair: Dark Brown
Relatives: Jase (Girlfriend); Kala of Arjana (Best Friend)
Skills and abilities: gift of gab, persuasion, excellent fighter, excellent with firearms
Powers: No superpowers
Weapons: Whatever is within arm’s reach
Raised in the Bronx by a Puerto Rican mother and Afro-Brazilian father, she moved to Charleston, SC as a teen. On a dare, she rowed a boat to what the locals called the ‘haunted’ island of the Gullahs, not knowing that it was already inhabited by Kala and her two aunts. The two girls met and have been best friends ever since. She’s a lesbian and the girlfriend of Jase, a realm hustler of the Aza Universe.