Stealth: Life and Times of Allen White
A dark city in need of a hero, a young man with the power to be that hero- Stealth, a new hero for a new millennium! Stealth is a webcomic set in the fictional Terminus City, the series centers on Allen White, a young man who gains amazing powers after an accident that should have taken his life. After a personal tragedy, Allen vows to use his amazing abilities and dedicate his life to fighting crime and protecting the innocent.as Stealth.
A young woman turns down an alley as a shortcut to work and encounters three hoods. The hoods stop the young woman and one draws a gun on her to rob her. Just then Stealth shows up on the scene and makes short work of the hoods. Afterwards, feeling melancholy, the young hero visits the grave-site of his brother; a police officer killed in the line of duty; seeking reaffirmation on his calling. After a heartfelt conversation, our hero leaves with a renewed purpose
What I thought
I thought as previews goes this was a very good jumping on point for the character and the series. We get to see the character in action protecting one of the citizens of the city he loves and the action sequences flow very smoothly as our hero takes out his adversaries. Gicen Allen’s tragic back story; his father dying when he was a toddler and his brother, who served as his father figure, being gunned down while still a rookie police officer, it is easy to see where his motivation comes from and given his age, it is expected that he would be drawn to still talk with his brother, who had essential been the only father he had ever known. Robert Jeffery’s dialogue is on point and Jamar Logan captures the emotions on display with great detail. Some flashbacks would have been a great addition to Allen’s emotion speech, but nonetheless it is still Robert Jeffery at his best.