Unlucky for some! The moon is full, the sacrifice is ready, and the Deathwalkers are about to end humanity as we know it!
The Mighty Avengers get a new member – but is that enough to stop the Four Who Rule attaining godhood?
Or… is it already too late to save the Earth?
Blade has a flashback to the time he spent with his girlfriend Spitfire before he escapes in the present. Elsewhere the Mighty Avengers try to locate Blade so they can stop the Deathwalker ceremony. They arrive to save blade but are too late to stop the ceremony.
What I thought
Salvadore Larocca certainly phoned in a few parts of this issue’s art. The flashbacks in particular are both bland and awkward. On the plus side however the team, particularly Power Man/Victor gets a taste of the spotlight by pinpointing the captured Blade. Eric also comes across as a total badass despite being captured and tortured. The Deathwalkers also impress at first until they fuse into a generic monster. I also liked the cover which had the deathwalkers bathed in red in the background while our favourite daywalker stood ready for battle in the foreground
Overall Mighty Avengers was good but far from perfect 3/5

The Deathwalkers have won – and humanity is doomed!
Can the Mighty Avengers pull it back from the brink? And if so… how?
Year One of Mighty Avengers reaches its heart-stopping climax!
Deathwalker prime has enslaved the wills of man. Only Luke Cage the unbreakable man stands resistant. Luke manages to free teammate Kaluu who conjures the Avenger Prime who ends the threat.
What I thought
I found this issue surprisingly boring. I was unimpressed by both the design of the collective villain and the Avengers Prime. The collective villain turned out to be a rock lizard who has fire like energy flaring about? Really? I was at least interested when the Deathwalkers were individuals but the collective was dull, uninspiring and bland. I also was not a fan of the interior art. Say what you want about Greg Land but he would have made for a nice visual instead of what can only be described as the worst Salvadore Larocca artistic offering in years.
On the good side the colors and inks especially on the Avenger Prime were decent. Also Power Man and White Tiger finally share their first kiss and become a couple though if you blinked you would miss it.
On the good side though we got another dimension put to Luke Cage being classified as the “Unbreakable man”. This issue posits that he has an indomitable will quite similar to other great leaders such as Captain America and Scott Summers. It was a neat twist to have the Mighty Avengers fuse into the Avenger Prime to battle their adversary though it lacked the emotional punch or even the dramatics that such a fusion could have given. Buffy season 4 had a fusion to battle the season’s big bad and that was executed perfectly. It had an emotional resonance and badass factor that this fusion which includes Blue Marvel and Photon for crying out load. Alas what could have been. Considering this issue leads into the Captain America and the Mighty Avengers title the Falcon surely has not done anything in this series to warrant the leadership role which will follow.. Despite all his I loved the cover which showed Luke Cage the unbreakable man’s muscles rippling
Overall this issue felt lacklustre. For all the build-up of the Deathwalkers the finale showdown and the last issue of this series just falls flat on all the levels that matter. Mighty Avengers #14 is disappointingly average, we give it a 2.5/5 Stars
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