March 28, 2025
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Truth: Red, White, and Black #7 Review


Captain America is on a mission. This time though, it is not government-sanctioned, S.H.I.E.L.D authorized, nor an Avengers adjunct. This mission is for the truth. After his interview of the former Lieutenant Merritt, and further discussions with Agent Spinrad of the F.B.I., Cap’s got a name and a secret origin, and he wants some answers. He tracks down Colonel Walter Price, the former military intelligence officer who put a bullet in Major Bracket’s head at the start of the Super Soldier Project, and who currently runs Koch International, which is the pharmaceutical company that had been indirectly responsible for the initial super soldier project start. Price gives Cap the lowdown on everything that had transpired from the very beginning, and America’s true role in the war. Price was sure of himself and confident that he would never see punishment for his crimes, until Cap reminds him of his former aide-de-camp, and how he was cooperating. After talking to Price, Captain America went to see Faith and Isaiah. Faith, dressed in a burka for a class lecture, confirms for Captain America that the F.B.I. Agent was correct; Isaiah was alive. She then arranges for the two of them to meet, explaining Isaiah’s medical condition, due to years of neglect and not receiving any treatment for the effects of the serum that was deteriorating in his system. Captain America reaches out to Isaiah, shaking his hand and offering an apology for his treatment, and brings with him the tattered remains of the uniform Isaiah wore on that suicide mission. Isaiah smiled brightly, and posed for a picture with Cap. Finally, the two Super Soldiers; America’s greatest weapons and biggest inspirations; together at last.

 The Good

Story– Price breaks it down for Captain America. He explains all the dirty little secrets America was hiding about it’s role in not only the super soldier project, but how they even worked with the Nazis before the war, when they were still considered Germans. He explains the theory of “Eugenics”, formulated by Darwin’s cousin Frances Galton, which he referred to as the “science of improving the stock”. Price explains the reason why the doctor that worked on the super soldier project for the United States was killed, and how the U.S. turned the war into a business; one that they were determined to make a profit from, no matter who got hurt or who they got in bed with. The meeting with Cap and Isaiah may have been over 60 years late, but was still one of the most important meetings in Isaiah’s life, which he has documented in picture form on his wall.

Art- see issue #1 review

Historical Significance- As mentioned before, the “Blackvine” was a term used to describe how blacks passed information amongst themselves, and was even the envy of Hitler. It was in the Blackvine that story of Isaiah stayed alive in the Black community. The writer points out that the U.S. government didn’t officially stop involuntary human experimentation until the Clinton Administration, and it was Clinton who apologized for the Tuskegee experiments. The writer also gives references to materials that expose the backdoor dealings of several munitions companies that sold to both sides. He also gives reference materials on eugenics.

Cover- Captain America facing a maze with Faith and Isaiah standing on the other side. Very nice!

The Bad

No complaints

The Ugly

Isaiah’s actions will have far reaching repercussions and will put him directly on a path to confront one of the people considered the greatest villain of his generation.  5/5