Publisher: Archaia Comics
Created by: Brandon Thomas
1st appearance: The Many Adventures of Miranda Mercury #1, year Unknown
Nationality: Unknown
Team Affiliations: Unknown
Legal Status: Unknown
Height: 5’8 Weight: 120 lbs
Eyes: Brown Hair: Black
Relatives: James Mercury (Grandfather),
Skills and abilities: Skilled hand to hand combatant trained in armed and unarmed combat.
Powers: Unknown
Miranda is part of the famous Mercury family and saved a planet at the age of ten. Over time she grew into quite the hero of the galaxy along with her sidekick Jack. At some undisclosed time in the past Miranda was infected with an incurable virus. Over the course of her adventures she is betrayed by a lifelong friend, fights Time Raiders, is framed for murder, tortured, and has to deal with the death of her grandfather, the great James Mercury. Throughout it all Miranda maintains her will of iron and maintains her sanity and save the universe all over again.
Note: Miranda Mercury is about celebrating and achieving the impossible.
I’ve never seen the book but I like the originality and the besides the white boy sidekick I like the idea of a black hero in outer space.