Dr. Voodoo is left in a strange dimension with his magic staff broken. He finds himself going blind and ½ the staff is stolen by a strange frog like creature. He then has to relive his greatest nightmares of being cursed in Haiti by a homeless man who may or may not have killed his parents though he feels guilty about there death and that of his brother. He returns to the earth dimension only to be told by his brother’s spirit that he has been gone for weeks and the world is under siege. He meets with Hellstrom who informs him his father Satan is behind the attack. He takes him into his sanctum and too late realizes it is not Hellstrom and Nightmare demon master of the dream realm is free to wreck havoc on the world.
The Good
The backup story at the end of the issue filled in the early adventures and origins of Dr. Voodoo which was very helpful and easily made the purchase price worth it.
The art was very fitting to the tone of the story. The journey into the psyche of Jericho Drumm was interesting since it defined his motivations and his behavior. Nightmare makes an interesting villain choice as well since in issue #1 shows drum unable to sleep. We also know that something wicked this way comes as Dr. Doom may have been referring to this problem or something else even worse in the future.
The Bad
Drumm has no mass market appeal despite appearing in New Avengers.
The art will prevent some from enjoying or even getting into the character and his mythology.
The Ugly