Miles is running at break neck speed down the road and makes an incredible leap and subduing a bully with his powers, he gets accused of being a mutant and visits his best friend. He confides his condition to him before his dad comes and gets him. They have a heart to heart about his criminal past and the dangers of his uncle Aaron/Prowler. That Night he realizes he can cling to surfaces like spider-man.
Cover- Beautiful image of Miles in his Spider-man garb swinging through the city. Love it!
Art- Sara Pichelli is sent from heaven with her breathtaking interior art, Ultimate Spider-man #1 the characters faces are filled to the brim with expression and emotion that really sells the story.
Diversity- Black Spider-man + Asian best friend= good combination for a mainstream comic book. Cheers to the underdogs in comics Bendis is being bold, appreciate it!
Characterization– Miles is a good kid, nice past, Father and Uncle have potential for their pasts to come in and bit Miles in the ass, loads to expect from this cast.
Bendis Writing– Love him or hate him Bendis never writes a one off tale, he writes for TPB and that means a very slow pacing and a tale that really only “works’ after all the pieces are gathered. It’s great if you like that type of thing but it’s terribly annoying for me.
The Ugly
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