Created by Michael Watson
1st appearance Hotshot #1 2005 July
Powers Super Strength, Super Speed, Durability, Flight, and she can feel the pain of others this also adds strength to her powers
Vigilance was discovered on our planet in a crater that smashed into our planet. She was instantly tested a prodded for the EHD(Extra Human Division) to support the worlds greatest hero Justice. Once Justice fell and the other heroes disappeared she was rushed into action. She brought down Nemesis; Justice’s killer but could not get there in time to save Justice. Over time she has taken her place as the Strongest hero in the world. She has no secret identity due to her being a full time hero that partners up with Hotshot on several occasions. All too soon the questions of her Origin and where she came from will come to endanger her new found home.
Oh my GOD! This is why I love and subscribe to Blacksuperheroes,……excuse me The World of Black Heroes! Finding all of these amazing concepts freshly done like Vigilance is an absolute joy!!!!!!! This is the stuff that has been concealed “Beneath the Underdog and The OVERDOG.” These are the kind of things that need to be licensed into movie properties and put on the silver screen. For us, By Us and those who appreciate the great work that we do.
Thanks for the props Diospoet 🙂
Nobody does it better than WOBH, tell all your friends about us bro! the more fans we have the better things get!