Meet the Independents: Dave Campbell

This week on Meet the Independents! Meet Dave Campbell an Indy comics creator who has loved comics since he was a kid and made his first attempt at creating his own comic from as early as 5th grade…
Dedicated to Black superhero News, Reviews, Previews, Sales figures, Interviews, Galleries and the people who bring them to us.
This week on Meet the Independents! Meet Dave Campbell an Indy comics creator who has loved comics since he was a kid and made his first attempt at creating his own comic from as early as 5th grade…
Jamal Igle is a 28 year veteran comic book artist and writer. He’s been involved in a lot of different projects in that time, including lengthy runs on Supergirl and Firestorm for DC Comics. For the last 6 years he’s been primarily
Raymond Sanders, born and raised in Hugo North Carolina, after graduating high school and spending a few years in college I moved to Georgia in 2001. After moving to Georgia and starting a new life, I didn’t have much time for drawing.
William Satterwhite is a freelance designer, internet consultant and illustrator and the creator of Stealth; which has been published online in one form or another since 2001, His current project; Stealth: Life and Times of Allen White; brings him together with Glyph
This week on Meet the Independents! Writers write. Whether it be comics, novels, children’s books, menus, greeting cards or fortune cookies. It is natural and instinctual. It is what they do. When looking at the body of work our next individual has
Jiba Molei Anderson is the owner of Griot Enterprises and creator of its flagship property The Horsemen and Outworld: Return of the Master Teachers. He has also written the educational text Manifesto: The Tao of Jiba Molei Anderson, maintains The Afrosoul Chronicles a blog dedicated to the discussion of race, politics and the business of popular culture and recently created The Song of Lionogo: An Indian Ocean Mythological Remix for the Smithsonian National Museum of African Art.
This week on MEET the Independents! Abdul H. Rashid! A graphic illustrator, creator, and developer of intellectual properties that focus on the genres of superheroes, sci-fi, action-adventure and horror. He is the CEO and Founder of AHR Visions, LLC (AHRV). AHRV is a new trans-media studio that develops and produces properties, spotlighting diverse characters in feature roles in its titles…
In our latest Meet the Independents we proudly introduce our fans to Eric Dean Seaton. Mr Seaton has been in the television business for quite some time, directing hit shows such as “That’s So Raven”. The Legend of the Mantamaji graphic novel
Yorli Huff is more than just a comic book creator. She is the definition of strength and endurance. She was able to overcome a difficult past and achieve a success most folks irrespective of gender or color dream and talk about. But
1. How did you get started in the comic industry? At a very young age, a close friend of mine by the name of Tom learned that I actually disliked comics. He refused to let this continue, brought me a stack
Commitment and perseverance are definitely things you have to have when striking out on your own to produce quality comics. One thing that is overlooked is the strength in unity. When a group of liked minded people join forces, what happens next
Lincoln Farquharson has had dreams of being a writer from as far back as eleven years old. In his youth X-men and Star Trek were his inspirations. His writing aspiration however shifted when he was introduced to a little game called Dungeons
Have you taken a good look at the comic book shelves lately? More and more you are seeing new publishing companies! We are talking about “flagship” companies, but we are talking companies started up by individuals who are creating their own quality
Remember Black Panther #39 of the Priest run? Black Panther vs Iron Fist? That issue is one of many that came out that year that featured artwork only issues. The story flowed effortlessly, and even the fight scenes needed no description. It
This week on MEET THE INDEPENDENTS! Meet Erik Larsen author of Savage Dragon, owner of Ant and one of the most unique artists from Image Comics!
One thing I have always done when it comes to comics was to always try to be open minded when it came to trying something new. I am a very big cover junkie, so that is one thing that draws me to
Once upon a time, it was a beast to try to break into comics. Even if you got the nod, it didn’t guarantee longevity or success. That was then; nowadays with the internet and self-publishing, there are no boundaries or obstacles to
When I first started collecting comics I collected “Savage Sword of Conan”; that’s right, the big black and white book; and even though he wasn’t a black hero, I always thought that if he were an actual person, he would be one
Here at WorldofBlackHeroes we like to make sure we cover all our basis when it comes to comics. Having said that, we want to introduce to our fans the hard-working individuals that publish some outstanding and exciting work that you won’t find