Real Name: Charles Burlingame
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Created by: Kurt Busiek and Mark Bagley
1st appearance: Thunderbolts #19, 1998
Nationality: American
Team Affiliations: Thunderbolts
Legal Status: Unknown
Height: 5’8 Weight: 135 lbs
Eyes: Brown Hair: Black
Relatives: Calvin Burminghame (Father), Unnamed mother
Skills and abilities: Unknown
Powers: Charcoal was a metamorph who could change between a normal human form an a black, carbon based form with superhuman abilities. In this superhuman state he is granted enhanced strength and a body that he can reshape at will. He can become as hard as diamond to increase his resistance to injury and even control flame and fly.
As a child he traveled around the country allot with his roaming father and was given superhuman powers by Arnim Zola. He battled the original Thunderbolts and later even joined their ranks. On an adventure with the team he was seemingly destroyed by Gravitron.
Notes: Charcoal was created for a wizard magazine competition but the legal aspects were never formally worked out leaving the copyright of “Charcoal” in question. When the original creator tried to reclaim the copyright from Marvel the character was killed and never brought back. Also of note is that the “charcoal” character may not belong to marvel BUT his alter ego Charles Burlingame is their original creation and thus copyright of Marvel Comics Inc.
Charcoal…🤦🏾♂️ (Really) and he’s bald ?!? Are marvel artists just too lazy to draw hair on black characters ?