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Isca (Character)

Publisher: Marvel comics

Created by: Jonathan Hickman, Pepe Larraz

1st appearance: X-Men Vol 5 #12 (October, 1991)

Nationality: Arakkii

Team Affiliations: Swordbearers of Arakko; Annihilation, Daemons, formerly Okkara

Legal Status: Unknown

Height:   5′ 10″               Weight: 155 lbs

Eye color: Brown            Hair color: Black

Relatives: Genesis (sister); Apocalypse (brother-in-law); Death (nephew); Famine (nephew); Pestilence (niece); War (niece); Summoner (grandnephew)

Abilities: World class warrior with unrivaled skill.

Equipment: Isca wields a blade named Mercy

Powers: She was born with a mutated x-gene making her a mutant with the power of Tychokinesis [the power to always win, no matter how].


Isca was one of the many mutants who resided on Okkara.

To celebrate the birth of her sister’s four children, Isca forged the Scarab, a mighty sword in four parts, and gifted it to her brother by marriage, Apocalypse. The Scarab was seen as a symbol of the Genesis line of Okkara.[X-Men Vol 5 #13]

When the mutants of Okkara warred with the Amenthi Daemons, Isca, seeing that Okkara’s fate was doomed, betrayed her kind and joined Annihilation’s army. Since her power was to always win, she didn’t have a choice, regardless of the pain she brought to her family.[X-Men Vol 5 #12][X-Men Vol 5 #13]

After Genesis had returned to Arakko from a years-long crusade, Annihilation ordered Isca to send a message to her sister that she could save Arakko if she beat the dark god in sword combat to the death.[X-Men Vol 5 #12]

Following Genesis becoming Annihilation, Isca joined the Swordbearers of Arakko to fight against Krakoa’s in the Ten of Swords contest.[X of Swords: Stasis #1]