Publisher: Valiant Entertainment

Created by: Matt Kindt and Christos Gage
1st appearance: Ninjak (V3) #1 (March, 2015)
Nationality: British
Team Affiliations: MI6
Legal Status: Unknown
Height: 5’10 Weight: 160 lbs
Eye color: Brown Hair color: Black
Relatives: Unknown
Skills and abilities: (from the Case File Dossier): Mastery in acrobatics and gymnastics. Above average intelligence. REDACTED. Displayed mastery in several different styles of hand to hand combat and REDACTED
Powers: None
NINJA-G (Mid 1970s-early 1980s)
A badass black woman, the first female Ninja agent, and one of the best. Seeing that her trajectory was leading nowhere good, she faked her death and started a new life. She’s still around and still deadly. If Cleopatra Jones or Foxy Brown was a ninja.