Al tries to save Wanda as Lucifer brings down all of his might on him, but Wanda knows to here is a choice to be made. Will Al save her in time or will she have to sacrifice herself to save the life of another?
What I thought
This time the cover shows Spawn leaping at Satan, Sword in hand to deliver the final blow as the Stan Saga War concludes.
This issue there was a twist, I love a good twist! Spawn manages to bring God to Hell and he starts a fight with Satan. Spawn’s “unborn child” is really his human soul. Wanda merges the soul with Spawn and beckons him to be the hero she always knew he could be. Spawn hands over the costume to Satan after making a deal that Wanda goes to heaven and he gets to walk out free. Spawn honors his word but Satan plans to have him killed.
Spawn then detonates his symbiot seemingly killing Satan and his Horde and causing a massive avalanche. With his two remaining symbiot pieces he recreates the sword of God and uses it to seal Hell from Earth and prepares to fulfill his promise to Wanda b becoming a hero but with only a fraction of the power he once had.
Overall this issue was a step in an interesting direction. I’m curious to see where things go and how this seemingly “new direction” will impact the series because Spawn has lost all social and pop culture resonance because it just feels the same. Spawn need more than just Erik Larsen’s gorgeous art to grab new fans it needs a relaunch and a new “gimmick”. Only time will tell but I give this issue 3/5 STARS.