March 27, 2025
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Miles Morales: The Ultimate Spider-Man #3 Review

Miles Morales The Ultimate Spider-man #3 cover

PART THREE OF “REVIVAL” THE MOST SHOCKING SPIDER-MAN STORY OF THE YEAR MILES MORALES comes face-to-face with the worst nightmare of the Ultimate SPIDER-MAN Legacy…
NORMAN OSBORN…the GREEN GOBLIN…the man who killed PETER PARKER… or did he?


The Good

Confession– It’s one of those time honored superhero traditional moments where the hero tells his girlfriend his big secret. This one completely freaked out Kate Bishop and rightly so, what sets it apart is the bumbling way in which Miles finally manages to spit out said secret. It doesn’t help matters that his best friend Ganke is present to provide commentary and critique the entire process.

Cover– David Marquez has truly grown into a worthy successor to Sara Pichelli. This cover looks awesome! The Ultimate Green Goblin has Miles Morales by the throat with flames crackling all around him. It looks good and luckily sticks out on the stands.

Villain– Norman Osborn is one scary customer. Even if you had no idea he killed Peter Parker the visual of this giant green demon wit glowing eyes engulfed in fire would strike fear into the hearts of even the most fervent atheist. This is one of those magical moments where art and story comes together to create pure magic!

Art- David Marquez, what more can be said about his beautiful art style? Emotional eyes? Check! Expressive faces? Check! Seamless action and panels which complement the story? Check as well. Rock on David, you da man!

CharacterizationMiles Morales is still one the best characterized and fully realized superheroes being published right now. His pubescent voice, his uncertainty and the use of his powers all blend together to create one of the greatest Black superheroes ever!

Emotion– As usual with this title the emotions run pretty darn close to the surface. The emotion f choice this issue is fear. Miles has pretty much been lucky so far in his career but facing the Green Goblin, a villain who killed his far more experienced predecessor? That is some scary shit! Bendis also manages to capture Miles voice right up to the end of the tale finished with some truly spine tingling art.



The Bad

No complaints


The Ugly

Overall Miles Morales Ultimate Spider-man continues to be one of the best books being published monthly anywhere! We give this one- 5/5

stars- 5 excellent