Publisher: Xmoor Studious
Created by: Robert Garett
1st appearance: Galtow #1
Nationality: Unknown
Team Affiliations: Samurai Clan
Legal Status: Unknown
Height: 5’9 Weight: 160 lbs
Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown
Relatives: Unknown
Skills and Abilities: Master hand to hand combatant.
Powers: She has superhuman strength granted by her bionic arm.
Equipment: She carries with her a samurai sword.
The tall mysterious Samurai woman most call Jiya the silent warrior because few know her real name. She’s more like the Clint Eastwood persona from those old westerns who has a vendetta against the leaders of the most powerful Clan Houses. Her skill is exceptional, on a par with any of the Four Clan Leaders. Jiya is quite self-reliant and doesn’t have any problem with killing but she will make it her last option, the woman is a pure force of caged violence whose story is covered in mystery and betrayal after a battle with warriors from Clan Rynal: the Sumo Warrior Clan Jiya has also lost the use of her vocal cords.