As Dr Fate emerges as the latest hero on Earth 2, what other heroes make a most unexpected appearance?
In the past Nabu defeats Wotan and curses her to be forever reborn with green skin. In the present Wotan now a man has taken Jay Garrick’s mother hostage and sent Jay and the new dr. Fate into the tower of fate to retrieve Naboo’s helmet.
Inside he locates the helmet and accepts his fate while saving Jay. Elsewhere Stephen Wolf sends Fury to Gotham in search of the “one” while the new gods Mr. Miracle and Big Barda are seen.
What I liked
Art- The interiors as usual look great.
Cover-Gorgeous! Simply breathtaking rendition of the new Dr. Fate and we also get the added bonus of seeing Mr. Miracle and Big Barda in the new 52.
Diversity- I’m not sure what ethnicity the new Dr. Fate is but thankfully he’s not yet another white guy. DC has touted diversity but this book is the only one living up to the possibilities.
What I didn’t like
Naboo of ancient Egypt……why does he look like yet another white guy? Will we ever get into the reality of ancient Egypt or are we stuck forever on the Hollywood whitewash
Where the hell is Hawkgirl?
Great art and interesting start to this new earth 2 storyline 3/5
In the previous version, Nabu was actually a cosmic LORD OF ORDER and not from Egypt or Earth at all. In that incarnation, he was pretty much an arrogant ass. There often came times where he was about as positive a presence as a villain.
So…I’m saying…there are possibly good reasons why you wouldn’t want him made a person of color, since he may be destined to be unlikable or, at best, would be yet another alien passed off as a person of color.