Publisher: Chaos! Comics
Created by: Brian Pulido and William Christensen
1st appearance: Chaos Quarterly #1, 1995
Nationality: African
Team Affiliations: None
Legal Status: Unknown
Height: 6’1 Weight: 130 lbs
Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown
Relatives: Kush (Husband, deceased), Gorge (Son, status unknown)
Skills and abilities: Skilled fighter.
Powers: Superhuman strength, endurance and stamina. Razor sharp fangs able to turn those bitten into vampires. Razor sharp claws on each hand can rend both flesh and bone and an affinity for cats allows her to bend them to her will.
Kabala was the wife of a king of Tanzania known as Kush. For years they were unsuccessful in conceiving a child and for this were publicly shamed. Her life was irrevocably changed when she was invited to the wedding of General Ramses and Queen Ostraca. Here the Queen gave advice on herbs which finally resulted in her finally getting pregnant. At the wedding the vampire Purgatori attacked and she was bitten. Along with her husband they escaped back to their ship where she became a vampire. For years she managed to hold her bloodlust at bay as her husband fed her cattle. Upon giving birth, her child was revealed as a mutated vampiric monster, she named him Gorge. When the people of her village realized what her husband was doing he was stoned to death and she became an outcast. In the Jungle she gave into her bloodlust and massacred her village.
Over time she realized Purgatori was the cause of all her misfortune and decided to destroy her. Four thousand years later Purgatori returned to Egypt. Allied with another vampire know as Jade they almost killed Purgatory who was saved by Rath. Defeated yet spared by Purgatori her eternal life came to an end as the dawn came.