Real Name: Dr. Arnold Kaua
Publisher: DC Comics
Created by: Karl Kesel and Tom Grummett
1st appearance: Superboy (1994) #2
Nationality: Hawaii
Team Affiliations: None
Legal Status: Unknown
Height: 6’1 Weight: 210
Eyes: Brown Hair: Black
Relatives: Unknown
Skills and abilities: Unknown
Powers: Silver sword has a symbiotic connection with a experimental liquid metal substance that responds to his thoughts. It grants him super human strength, flight, resistance to injury and a malleable metallic body.
Dr. Kaua grew up idolizing Kamehameha a great Hawaiian hero of old. Engrossed in history and deeply patriotic he pursued a doctorate in archaeology. He eventually became a curator of a historical museum. Kaua had hopes of becoming a superhero by using ancient Hawaiian artifacts’, chief among them the “spear of Lano”. Unfortunately it was stolen and its source of power, a gem was seemingly lost. Blaming superboy for what had happened he wandered along the beach and discovered a military canister washed up on the shore. Touching it caused it to explode but miraculously he found himself not injured by floating miles above the earth with his hand encased in liquid metal and his chest bearing a silver sword symbol. Finally imbued with great power he uses his powers to take on a visage similar to the great Kamehameha. Defending his countries coast from the US he found himself caught in a battle with Superboy. Here his fanaticism that all those not native born were evil and corrupting his country caused him to attempt a murder of the hero. He was defeated and jailed.
Kaua later broke out of prison and again fought Superboy along with Knockout but escaped. He resurfaced allied goddess Pele and recovering the “Spear of Lano” along with its gem. This time he ran into not just superboy but also Green Lantern/Kyle Rayner. When he realized that Pele was a fake he turned on her. After the battle he seemed genuinely remorseful for his bigotry and disappeared once more.
oh! i like this one! first time hearing about him.