Publisher: Milestone Media
Created by: Dwayne Mcduffie
1st appearance: Hardware #9, 1993
Real Name: Tiffany Evans
Nationality: Unknown
Team Affiliations: None
Legal Status: U.S citizen with no criminal record
Height: 5’8 Weight: 130 lbs
Eyes: Brown Hair: Black
Relatives: Unnamed parents
Skills and abilities: Brilliant Scientist and trained hand to hand combatant.
Powers: She has replicated the capabilities of Hardware’s first armor which grants enhanced strength Flight and resilience. She also carries a sword which she can charge with an unknown form of energy. Later she upgraded the armor to include a liquid metal compound which she could use to either liquify or harden or even fuse metals fund in her vicinity.
Tiffany was always a brilliant woman so when she chose to become a cyberneticist it was no shock. After achieving her doctorate her skills caught the attention of Edwin Alva. She was given her own staff to put an end to Hardware. She made fast friends with Kurt Metcalf who assisted her as the head of the “Anti-Hardware ” team. It was her idea to use a female pilot for their own version of a power suit since the female pilot would be lighter making the armor more maneuverable. Upon the armors completion it was named “Technique”.
In their first meeting Hardware was unprepared for her ferocity and only barley won. Though unconscious when Hardware tried to download info from her armor she gave him a virus which compromised his own. She was then appointed the corporate enforcer of Alva tech before his death. She was used by Alva’s daughter after Curtis created his own company after ascending to the presidency of Alva Tech. She stole a component from his company after defeating Hardware in combat. She and Curt later reconciled their friendship after he revealed his identity to her. They teamed up to defeat the IRAA.
Milestone Forever
Hardware eventually retired from crime fighting and handed over the reigns to her after creating a modified suit which would conceal her identity.
New 52
She is working alongside Hardware in league with Static.
You know if these where in Japan there would be anime or movie out out of some of these buy now.
this is kind of hot. i never heard of her or the comic but im gonna see if i can pic something up about her.