It seems like just yesterday Luke Cage went by the moniker of “Power Man” but times moves on 🙂 there’s a new man in town thanks to Shadowland courtesy of Fred Van Lente.
The man himself sat down with Newsarama to discuss the upcoming series and the new Powerman himself.
Nrama: You say “all new,” so this doesn’t have anything to do with the old Power Man?
Van Lente: I didn’t say that. That’s an excellent point. It has quite a lot to do with Luke Cage and Iron Fist. A new Power Man comes on the scene, a hero for hire who advertises on the internet, of course, where all good classifieds can be found now. Unfortunately for him, this is not good timing for becoming a superhero in New York City, because in the areas controlled by Daredevil and The Hand, they have forbidden all, what they call, “costumes” to operate without their sanction.
So he has the Hand after him, and he also has Luke Cage and Iron Fist after him, ostensibly to save him, but also to find out who he is and what the heck he thinks he’s doing. Is he going to join The Hand? Is he going to ally himself with Daredevil? Or will he ally himself with the heroes who are attempting to stop Daredevil before he goes insane with power?
He goes on to talk about Luke Cage and Powerman aficionados ‘wet dreams’ with old villains from the original series coming back in droves.
Nrama: You mentioned all the ties to the Immortal Iron Fist. Did you research a lot of the Marvel Universe for this?
Van Lente: I did. I immersed myself in the Luke Cage Essentials and the Iron Fist Essentials. So even though Power Man is new, he’s contending with a lot of Luke Cage villains, because, as many people know, I love the old villains. The more obscure the better.
If you were looking for the return of Comanche and Shades, you need go no further than Shadowland: Power Man. And Cottonmouth, another one of my Luke Cage faves, is coming back. I have an inexplicable fondness for Discus and Stiletto, and let us not forget the greatest Luke Cage villain of all time, Cockroach Hamilton, with his six barrel shotgun.
Read the whole thing over at Newsarama, Here.